Settlement Gauges

Multi-point extensometer

Used to check subsidence in foundations, pillars and viaducts, to measure deformation in tunnels, and to monitor subsidence due to scraping or the excavation of tunnels.

Estensimetro multibase Earth System
Ground hydraulic settlement gauge

Used to monitor differential settlement and lift in soil and other structures such as embankments, earthfill and rockfill dams.

Assestimetro idraulico da terreno Earth System
Wall-mounted hydraulic settlement gauge

Used to monitor structures subject to differential settlement or lift.

Assestimetro idraulico da parete Earth System
Magnetic settlement gauge

Used to measure the extent of ground settlement or lift following excavation or the construction of dams or embankments.

Assestimetro Magnetico Earth System
Single-point settlement gauge

Used to measure subsidence or bulging points deep in the ground.

Assestimetro a punto singolo Earth System
Fixed probe extensometer

Used for the continuous monitoring of terrain settlement areas. Mainly used in landslides and unstable slopes, rock formations, tunnels, dams, foundation posts, bulkheads and embankments.

Sonda estensimetrica fissa Earth System
Removable incremental extensometer system

Allows manual measurement of differential terrain subsidence or lift following excavation or the construction of tunnels or embankments, as well as measurement of extrusion deformation at the excavation front of tunnels, and measurement of differential subsidence in bulkheads.

Sistema estensimetrico incrementale removibile Earth System

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