gauges and temperature sensors

Weldable vibrating wire strain gauge

Used to measure deformation in tunnel liners, steel uprights and reinforcing bars for pile foundations and partitions.

Strain gauge corda vibrante a saldare Earth System
Vibrating wire strain gauge for concrete

Used to measure deformation in the concrete of final coatings and inverted arches of tunnels, in the foundations of buildings, pile foundation bars, viaducts and any concrete structures requiring long-term deformation monitoring.

Strain gauge corda vibrante per calcestruzzo Earth System
Vibrating wire micro strain gauge

Used to measure deformation in metal structures and reinforcement bars in locations where the very limited space is available or where arc welding cannot be used.

Micro strain gauge a corda vibrante a saldare Earth Systen
Instrumented bolt

Used to measure deformation changes within rock mass.

Bullone strumentato Earth System
Doorstopper rosette

Used to measure two-dimensional stress in a section of rock or concrete.

Rosetta Doorstopper Earth System
Resistive strain gauge for soldering

Used to monitor deformation in the structures to which it is soldered.

Strain gauge resistivo a saldare Earth System

Used to monitor temperature in building materials, rocks, soil, liquids and air.

Termometri Earth System

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